2024 Shalom Outreach Mission Trip Schedule

  • quote Soroti, Uganda/ Feb 18-27, 2024 / $4,512
  • quote Accra, Ghana / May 12 - 21, 2024 / $4,895.00
  • quote Buenos Aires, Argentina / June 9 - 18, 2024 / $4,795.00
  • quote São Paulo/Rio, Brazil July 21 - 31, 2024 / $4,650.00
  • quote New York City, New York Operation Power Surge, July 25 - 30, 2024 / $1,200.00
  • quote Kiserian/Mombasa, August 18-28, 2024 / $4,850.00
  • quote Miami, FL / October 10-15, 2024 / $1,595.00
  • quote São Paulo/Rio, Brazil November 10-19, 2024 / $4,950.00
  • quote Santiago de Cuba / December 9 - 16, 2024 / $3,950.00

Exciting new update: Showers of Blessings. Ezekiel 34:26: “And I will make them and the places all around my hill a blessing, and I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing.”

God is releasing showers in their season, which represents the anticipation of strong harvest. In July 2023, our Executive Director became the Senior pastor of Heritage Fellowship Church located in Reston Virginia. This congregation has supported the ministry of Shalom for the past 15 years and . . .

Lisa Dangerfield
Lisa Dangerfield

Greetings friends. Shalom's Sister to Sister program continues to make a difference in the lives of women. Praise God! This very special program ministers to women and girls on a level that is both intimate and critical. We help educate, edify and empower through ministry and essential supportive endeavors.

Sister 2 Sister
Dr. J. Julian Dangerfield
Dr. J. Julian Dangerfield

quoteCovenant partner program We have been up to some pretty incredible things. Our vision to deploy power packed short-term mission teams have borne incredible fruit for God’s kingdom. Every nation to which we have traveled have been impacted by the work and ministry of our team members. These God ordained efforts have brought forth redeemed lives that are being transformed by the power of God’s reckless love. We are continuing to move forward by implementing innovative ministry efforts that leave host cultures with a sense of empowerment while strengthening the skillset and gifting of our missionaries. God is amazing!

quoteACCESSING NEW FRONTIERS This is a thematic thrust that we will be executing for the next two years. The notion of accessing speaks to us moving into new territory with keys of the kingdom as found in Matthew 16. Even though we will be returning to some previous locations, we do so with greater entry and a fresh apostolic vision that will bring forth the type of powerful transformation that God desires. These regions are new to us, but not new to God who directs our path toward His agenda. Let’s Go!


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   with LOVE

Who we are

Shalom is comprised of, an unusual cadre of people who are God chasers. Our ministry strives for doctrinal soundness and forthright accounting of all resources entrusted to our care. Our relationship with churches and individuals serves as fuel that God uses to propel our vision.

Key Staff

As an organization, we strive for excellence in all that we undertake both here and abroad. We earnestly pray for God’s wisdom and direction as we work to advance His Kingdom. see more

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible, inerrant, Word of God. It is the ultimate source for knowledge about God, as well as the definitive guide for our daily lives. read more

Mission Statement

To transform communities with the Word of God by deploying dynamic mission teams resourced for kingdom advancement.
Romans 15:20. NLT

Commitment to Financial Integrity

We believe that tithing is a responsibility of a believer to their local church, whereas giving is a believer's responsibility above his tithe to distribute read more

Watch "The Shalom Story"

Key staff

The administrative staff of Shalom Outreach is comprised of creative people who are forward thinking
and dedicated to serving the Kingdom of God and the succeess of the organization.

Dr. J. Julian Dangerfield

Dr. J. Julian Dangerfield

Dr. Dangerfield was originally given the vision to launch the ministry of Shalom Outreach and served as our Executive Director for 30 years. Read more

Mrs. Lisa Atkinson Dangerfield

Mrs. Lisa Atkinson Dangerfield

Lisa brings 35+ years of policy, planning and administration experience to Shalom Outreach, Inc. In her various capacities, she was consistently appointed to Read Mrs. Dangerfiel's full bio

Rev. Yolanda Giles

Rev. Yolanda Giles

Rev. Yolanda Giles is the Executive Assistant to Dr. J. Julian Dangerfield of Shalom Outreach, Inc. She has assisted with the inner workings of Shalom as well as worked Read Rev. Giles' full bio

Rev. Doris Crews

Rev. Doris Crews

Rev. Doris Crews serves as the director of special events for Shalom Outreach., Inc. She is married to William Crews, composer and musician and they are parents to three Read Rev. Crews' full bio

Board Members

Bishop Daniel Robertson

Bishop Daniel Robertson

Bishop Daniel Robertson, Jr. was born on December 4, 1964 in Chesapeake, Virginia. After completing his primary education in the Chesapeake public schools, Bishop Robertson began Read Bishop Robertson's full bio

Pastor Keith McCullough

Pastor Keith McCullough

In 1999, Keith became a volunteer staff member of the Shalom Outreach Ministries whose goal is to bring the Gospel message to impoverished Read Pastor McCullough's full bio

Dr. Phyllis Mayo

Dr. Phyllis Mayo

Dr. Mayo is a licensed Psychologist and nationally certified Master Addictions Counselor with over 30 years of experience providing a range of Behavioral Health services Read Dr. Mayo's full bio

Minister Tawana Shephard

Minister Tawana Shephard

Minister Tawana Shephard serves at Haven of Rest, Sanctuary of Praise in Baltimore, MD where Dena Jobes is Pastor. Minister Shephard has been Read Minister Shephard's full bio

Around the World with Shalom Outreach


Soroti, Uganda

This trip is tailored toward addressing the needs of widows, orphans and the underpriviledged. A major widows conference will be conducted in conjuction with our Ugandan ministry partners wherein more detail ...
Uganda flag

Accra, Ghana

This mission is a continuation of the impactful work that has been undertaken in several regions throughout the country. We will surge forward with new ministry partners who have compatible ministry activities centered more detail ...
Ghana flag

Buenos Aires, Argentina

This new power packed effort will open doors to our teams who will undertake strategic evangelistic outreaches in the city and surrounding areas, conduct foundational leadership meetings while preaching in a variety of churches at night. The US team will be joined by a choir from Brazil who more detail ...
Argentine flag
Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo, Brazil

The team will be involved in evangelism, assisting at halfway houses, praying for the sick in hospitals and conducting nightly services. Also, during the mission, we will continue our efforts to conduct our annual Kingdom more detail ...
Brazilian flag

New York City, New York

Operation Power Surge – This domestic mission will grant missionaries an opportunity to engage a variety of cultures with the liberating light of truth in and around New York City. This urban ministry effort will foster environments for evangelism, prayer stations, combined worship experiences and an engagement with the homeless population. more detail ...
American flag

Mombasa, Kenya

This exciting endeavor is our annual medical mission and enables us to execute an initiative toward an impoverished population that is often left behind. This coastal region is 90% Muslim, and we will show the love of God to those of other faiths while meeting human needs. This mission is always an exciting more detail ...
Kenya flag

Kiserian, Kenya

This mission will be another apostolic outreach for our ministry. A segment of our team will provide leadership training, evangelism and a host of other mechanisms to meet some of the hunger crises that have plagued this region of the nation. Additionally, the team will more detail ...
American flag


This domestic mission trip will be evangelistic in its nature while collaborating with a local church to advance the Kingdom. We will conduct a leadership conference, engage in youth activities, street witnessing, prayer walking and conduct ministry with the homeless. more detail ...
American flag
Brazil Youth

São Paulo/Rio, Brazil

The team will be involved in evangelism, assisting at halfway houses, praying for the sick in hospitals and conducting nightly services. Also, during the mission, we will continue our efforts to conduct our annual more detail ...
Brazil flag

Santiago de Cuba

The team will be involved in evangelism, assisting at halfway houses, praying for the sick in hospitals and conducting nightly services. Also, during the mission, we will continue our efforts to conduct our annual Kingdom Advance more detail ...
Cuba flag
"And one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled;' notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what does it profit?"
James 2 : 16, KJV

Traveling with Shalom

image of a compassAccording to John Piper, missions exist because worship doesn’t. God desires to be worshipped and unfortunately mankind has lost their way back to Him.

The ministry of Shalom has a unique assignment to provide healing and help to those who are in need while mobilizing those with resources. Our organization undertakes our missionary activities as an assignment mandated by God because He hears the cries of hungry children in East Africa, the travail of widows who have recently lost their husbands, and the emptiness of a village who has no water to satisfy the thirst while death encroaches.

Most New Testament churches identify the biblical mandate for missions to be Matthew 28:19, the Great Commission. However, God was at work redeeming humanity as far back as the book of Genesis and He maneuvered through 42 generations to manifest the complete answer to the human dilemma. To that end, we at Shalom feel a sense of calling to both equip and educate the body of Christ with sound biblical doctrine that supports the mandate for missions in both testaments. In addition to meeting the physical needs of those we serve, Shalom endeavors to provide spiritual nourishment to the hungry children, comfort and hope to the widows of Uganda, and living water to satisfy those who are thirsty.

Ways to give

Here's how to support the work Shalom does

Online donation

You can contribute to the support of the ministry by donating online. Click the button below to be taken to our secure donation page.

Support Shalom
paper check

Paper check

In the event that you wish to send a paper check directly to our offices, please mail to:
Shalom Outreach.
P.O. Box 1669,
Dale City, VA 22195

Covenant Partnership

The concept of covenant was instituted by God and the greatest example can be found in His relationship with Abraham. Shalom Outreach has a comprehensive and well-thought-out Covenant Partner program. » read more ...

Sister 2 Sister

Sister - 2 - Sister

The Sister 2 Sister Project offers support to widows who are suffering and in great need in third world countries. We endeavor to reach our sisters by expressing love through the purchasing of cows, toiletries items and » learn more ...

Medical Mission Initiative

The vision for our medical mission started in the year 2000 with a challenge from God to confront the HIV/AIDs epidemic. We felt inspired to go beyond providing teaching and information into the realm of hands-on activities that could confront health challenges in their various forms.

In the programs current configuration, you may use the donate button shown below to directly contribute financially to the purchase of medications. This is the safest and most direct way to financially support this initiative. This will allow to address the most immediate medical needs that we encounter instead of having to turn those in most need away due to a lack of resources.

Support Shalom

If you would like to donate medical supplies and equipment directly, please contact our office, either via our contact form, or via phone at (703) 590-3331 or Fax at (703) 730-0011, and one of our staff will be happy to work with you.

If you'd like to travel with us on one of our upcoming medical mission trips, please visit our travel schedule page to learn when the next opportunity for that will occur.

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