Traveling with Shalom
The ministry of Shalom has a unique assignment to provide healing and help to those who are in need while mobilizing those with resources. Our organization undertakes our missionary activities as an assignment mandated by God because He hears the cries of hungry children in East Africa, the travail of widows who have recently lost their husbands, and the emptiness of a village who has no water to satisfy the thirst while death encroaches.
Most New Testament churches identify the biblical mandate for missions to be Matthew 28:19, the Great Commission. However, God was at work redeeming humanity as far back as the book of Genesis and He maneuvered through 42 generations to manifest the complete answer to the human dilemma. To that end, we at Shalom feel a sense of calling to both equip and educate the body of Christ with sound biblical doctrine that supports the mandate for missions in both testaments. In addition to meeting the physical needs of those we serve, Shalom endeavors to provide spiritual nourishment to the hungry children, comfort and hope to the widows of Uganda, and living water to satisfy those who are thirsty.